We all have those cringe-worthy memories from our past. Whether it’s a rebellious teenage phase, a questionable fashion choice, or a hairstyle we’d rather forget, we’ve all been there. Instead of burying these memories, the subreddit ‘Blunder Years’ encourages people to proudly share their most embarrassing childhood photos. This turns old regrets into moments we can all enjoy together.
1.Got Dumped A Week Before Prom, But My Mom Insisted I Go Take The Pictures She Paid For, So I Made A Sock Puppet To Bring As My Date. I Regret Nothing
2.It Was “Opposite Day” At School In 2005, Most People Wore Black And White Or Something.. I Decide To Dress As A Girl.. I Lived In A Small Town In Idaho. It Didn’t Go Over Well
3.Anytime My Wife Sees This She Burst Out Laughing… I Thought I Looked Cool
4.My Friend’s Baby Pictures Look Like Mrs. Doubtfire
5.My Parents Weren’t Surprised When I Came Out
6.Glamour Shot Blunder (7 Years Old)
7.My Parents Kindly Supported My Peak Edgelord Phase
8.After Explaining What R/Blunderyears Is All About, A Friend Of Mine Gave Me Permission To Post This Gem. Circa Early-90s
9.Just A Girl On A Spring Communist Demonstration In Lviv, Ukraine, 1968
10. I Had Embraced My Nerdy Outcast Status And Went To School Like This, Sadly The Trench Coat Was Soon Banned After ’99
11.When Someone Asks How Your Life Is Going…
12.Tried To Smile, Channeled Jim Carrey Instead. Allllllllrighty Then