Social Life

Adorable Idea Of Stick Library For Dogs Is Melting People’s Hearts All Over The Internet

It seems that few toys bring dogs as much joy as a classic stick. Interestingly, you can usually spot one just about anywhere—except, of course, when you really need one!

To address this, various dog communities have come up with a fantastic concept: a stick library, where dogs can borrow and return sticks whenever they want.
Patterson Park in Baltimore is one of many locations where local dogs are finding new excitement as they collect, share, and play with these timeless toys.

Sticks and branches of different sizes hang from pegs on a beautifully painted wooden board. Every dog is welcome to take a stick or leave one behind, provided the sticks are safe and in good condition.

“Whether a human—dog owner or not—comes across a great stick to contribute, or you need to ask your pup to relinquish their favorite stick until the next visit, we gladly accept new sticks of all sizes,” said Alexa Cambi, General Manager of Dogs of Charm City.

“The library’s sticks will be maintained and upcycled by park visitors, and we kindly request that people avoid adding any sharp, dangerous, or frayed sticks,” she added.

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