15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous
Social Life

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

It can be quite thrilling to catch a glimpse of a celebrity in real life, especially if you happen to be a huge fan. Along with the traditional autograph, many of us now want to snap a quick selfie as proof that we actually came face to face with a star.

Recently, the “Not Really Famous” internet group has been collecting examples of people taking selfies with random strangers on the street, mistaking them for celebrities. These lucky individuals get to experience the feeling of being famous for a few brief moments. Take a moment to sit back and scroll through the list, upvote your favorite examples, and share your own experiences in the comments section below.

1.“Hulk Hogan”

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

2.Who Indeed

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

3.Bond, James Bond

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

4.George Clooney – Perfect Similarity

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

5.Johnny Derp

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

6.Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine On The Street

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

7.Steve Jobs Hiding In Egypt After Faking His Death

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

8.Wow, What Are The Odds Of Finding Robert Downy Jr. In A Small Texas Mall?

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

9.Someone Pretended To Be Tom Cruise In A Small Chicken Shop In North Eastern Thailand And Is Remembered There Forever

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

10.Girl From My Facebook Feed Swore She Met Macklemore

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

11.That’s Not Iron Man Mate

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

12.Ran Into “Stan Lee” Yesterday In Miami

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

13.Buddy Was Stoked To Meet Vin Diesel

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

14.He Is A Superhero Though

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

15.Met Shia At A Kebab Shop In Edmonton, Alberta

15 Hilarious Times People Took Pics With Regular Folks Thinking They Were Famous

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