If you happen upon a penny facing up on the ground, seize it! That’s a harbinger of good luck. In the event of rain on your wedding day, don’t fret. It’s actually a positive omen for your marriage. And when a ladybug alights on you or you catch sight of a rainbow, it’s destined to be your lucky day. Conversely, take care to avoid stepping on cracks, walking under ladders, and opening umbrellas indoors, lest you risk your luck running out.
Whether or not you subscribe to the concept of luck, there are undeniably days when things just seem to fall into place. Wideaside has meticulously combed through the internet to curate a collection of photographs capturing people experiencing extraordinary strokes of good luck. Scroll to check on those Peruse these captivating images of fortuitous events.
1.My Friend Just Got This Once-In-A-Lifetime Picture
2.I’m A Woodturner And Found A Lovely Bowl In A Vintage Store Made By The Guy Who Inspired Me As A Kid. I Felt The Bowl Was Very Familiar, So I Flipped Through The Book And Found This
3.I Saw This Extremely Rare Rainbow Cloud
4.Insanely Well-Timed Picture
5.Reminder To Always Wear A Helmet If You Want To Be Lucky Like Me
6.We Were Seconds Away From Losing Our Home To The California Fire. Thank You To All The Firefighters Who Saved Our Community
7.I Flipped A Kayak In Sea Cave And Lost A Go-Pro Style Camera. 2.5 Years Later, I Got An Email Saying That It Had Been Found And The Footage Was Intact
8.A Nice Person Found My Phone After I Left It In The Metro Train And Took Pictures Before Giving It To The Train Staff
9.The Bible That Saved My Great-Great-Grandfather In World War 1
10.Dropping A Plate While Doing The Dishes
11.The Soldier Received His Mounted Helmet, Which Took A 7.62 Round At 20 Feet While Wearing It. He Wouldn’t Have Survived That Impact Had He Not Been Wearing That Helmet
12.My Partner And I Survived This Car Crash 2 Days Ago. We’re Very Lucky