Are you having an occurring headache paying bills at the month’s end? As a family man, you must work hard to settle those payments even though you want it. Ryan Gutridge found relief from the monthly bill payments, and it’s an exciting solution.
It is not easy to escape from obligations easily. But Ryan, an expert on cost evaluation, has come up with an unfamiliar way of spending his worthy time. Though most retired persons choose to stay away from home for a long time by sailing worldwide, anyone who can sail while working is bliss. Cause there are less amount of people got that chance.
“I worked in IT as a cloud-solution engineer for a cloud-solution provider and started working from home in 2012. But because of the pandemic, my team was able to work from home and access the data they needed from anywhere. At that time, cruise lines hadn’t announced when or if they were coming back. I thought that if they returned, I’d want to try taking my job with me on a short cruise. I wanted to see how the WiFi would work and if I could access some elements of my job with heavy security.” Ryan told Insider.
Everything worked great, and since then, I’ve been on a cruise pretty much every week except for a few weeks due to the holidays. I have a spreadsheet that automatically records all my expenses, which helps. I also set a budget every year. This year, my base fare budget is about $30,000. Last year when I started really looking at the numbers and evaluating how much base fare I paid to be on a ship for 300 nights, I found it was almost neck-and-neck with what I paid for rent and trash service for an apartment in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
He brought well sound clarifications why he chose this decision, and it’s almost fair and acceptable. He expressed his reasons as follows. “My drinks and internet are free. If people are going to do something like what I do, I recommend trying different brands because they all offer something different. But once you commit to one, you should stick to it so you reach those loyalty levels. I’ve even met people that I stay in contact with and that have come back and cruised on this ship with me multiple times since. Working from home was isolating. I don’t have kids or pets, so it’s easy to become somewhat introverted, but cruising has really helped and made me a lot more social.”
In a floating life, someone may dream, whereas someone may not. So what about you? Comment below