Face cutouts on cardboard can be a great addition to any event, be it for children or adults. These cutouts allow you to put your face into a hole and become a character from your favorite franchise or an animal, or just have a good laugh with some silly photo ops. However, not all cutouts are created equal, and some may not be anatomically correct.
But maybe that’s a good thing, for the sake of laughter. Our list makers have put together a collection of strange and amusing face cutouts that show this is an art form that requires creativity and attention to detail. Designers should approach it with the same care and artistry they would any other artistic endeavor.
1.This Cardboard Shrek

2.So Much Nonsense Out There

3.Horrible Cutout

4.Face In A Hole At Mr. Toilet House In Suwon, Korea

5.Face Cutout Board For Terese’s Bridal Shower

6.I Have Always Wanted To Be A Horse’s Back

7.The Position Of These Cutouts

8.Alright Kids, Who Wants To Be A Severed Head With Elsa And Olaf?

9.Totally Sleighed It

10.Surfing Santa

11.“Yeah, Whatever, Kids Are Stupid Anyway”

12.This Isn’t How Animal Faces Work, I’m Sure