We all have a friend who does anything at a request. Sometimes this friendship may be a crush or interest which brings happiness to life. However, certain friendship levels are giving heartbreaks, frustration and we have to stay on friendzone level even heart is not accepted. Though it is painful, we have to be calm since we can’t control everything in our life as we wish.
So here we brought you a collection of photos showing how terrible it is to be friend-zoned and have feelings for someone who doesn’t feel the same towards you. Check on those and comment on your experience below.
1. It is time to re-evaluate your life choices, my bro!
2. A fallen soldier, press F for respect!
3. She woke up and chose to be savage!
4. Yes we know how it feels to be a third wheel!
5. That’s a real friend right there!
6. Someone plz save poor Anthony!
7. You will never understand why he has done all of that!
8. Wipe off your tears and start to love yourself first my man!
9.You can’t carry anyone that doesn’t love you on your back!
10. How os even possible to be Mega best friend lol!
11. He won the friend-zone challenge by far!
12. Can you spot the one who is being friend-zoned?